Compressor Room Ventilation
If you have a compressor room in your building you know how hot it can get. It gets so hot that your workers don’t want to go anywhere near it. Worse yet, hot temperatures can hurt a compressor system’s efficiency. They can even damage the machine over the long run. That’s why Moffitt has focused on compressor room ventilation since its founding in 1961. Read on to learn more about how to lower temperatures in your compressor room.
If you search for “compressor layout” or “compressor room ventilation” you will get thousands of responses. Each result will have the same two points.
- A compressor room must have sufficient air intake. This will ensure the equipment operates at peak efficiency. The system should control temperature, debris, and air pressure.
- It is vital to have sufficient ventilation to remove the heat from the room. Proper airflow makes the difference between a stifling room and a manageable one.
Fortunately, Moffitt has plenty of experience with both inlet and exhaust ventilation.

Wall Louvers for Inlet Air
To operate properly a compressor needs sufficient intake air. Compressors constantly pull air in, which causes negative pressure in the room. Therefore, without proper intake air, the compressors won’t operate properly.
A compressor room needs wall louvers to ensure that a steady stream of air can be drawn in. Pulling this air in directly from the outside is the best way to avoid disruption. For instance, industrial wall louvers, like EcoStream from Moffitt, will allow for this steady stream of air. These fans are also designed to hold up to the most rugged of industrial conditions. Plus, they are adjustable so they can open and close according to temperature changes.
Furthermore, you can link several wall louvers together to ensure seamless operation. You can also automate the controls to activate the louver in response to temperature changes. They also integrate into building automation systems to ensure that they work in tandem with the rest of your building’s needs.
Moffitt Natural Ventilation and Compressor Areas
Proper warm air exhaust ventilation is the second half of the compressor room equation. Letting the warm air ventilate freely through a natural roof opening is the best way to ensure it doesn’t build up inside of the compressor room. Exhaust fans can also be used, but depending on the number of compressors, the temperature, and the building height, a natural ventilator might be the best option.
Like a wall louver, the vent, and even the entire solution can be integrated with a building automation system. This allows the larger system to control the damper on a roof vent, as well as the fans or wall louvers. This ensures all the equipment works as one as the temperature or workload requires. With the right design, all these devices can work as a singular solution to keep the compressor room cool.
Natural Compressor Room Ventilation
When correctly designed a Ventilation Solution can improve compressor room ventilation. A proper solution can lower temperatures 15°F – 30°F inside of the compressor room. This of course reduces strain on the equipment, allowing it to operate at peak performance, and provides a cooler, more comfortable environment for the floor personnel too. In conclusion, with over sixty years of experience Moffitt has the knowledge you need to ensure you’re getting proper compressor room ventilation. Contact us today and take the first step to a more comfortable compressor room.