Natural Ventilation

08Mar 2013

Happy Anniversary Moffitt Fan Moffitt Fan Corporation celebrates its 20th Anniversary this month. For two decades Moffitt Fan Corporation has been manufacturing industrial ventilation equipment including natural ventilators, wall louvers, fans, and more from their 50,000 square foot facility in LeRoy, NY. They have provided equipment for hundreds of projects over the years including products

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03Oct 2014
Steel Mill Rooftop Ventilation Labyrinth

The Extra Benefits of a Natural Ventilation System There are many great reasons to choose a natural ventilation system, but how do you determine if you really need to have such a system installed? You will first need to learn the answers to the following questions. These are all great questions and taking the time

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08Feb 2023
Expert Ventilation with Moffitt

Consider a natural ventilation system for your new building ventilation. It is all too common to just choose the most common solution (air conditioning, ceiling fans, etc.) for a building, but finding the right ventilation solution for your specific facility can make all the difference. Of course, you need to evaluate the options by asking

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20Feb 2023
Moffitt Natural Ventilation Lunch & Learn

Discover the benefits of Natural Ventilation without leaving the office. A Moffitt Lunch & Learn gives you the chance to discover the secrets of natural ventilation, from the natural ventilation experts. We’ve been doing this for over 60 years, so we know a thing or two. Everything You Need to Know About Natural Ventilation We’re

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29Mar 2023
Ladder Safety Types

Ladders are essential for many of our daily tasks in homes, offices, and work sites. Because ladders are so common people assume that they know how to use them properly. As workplace safety is a top priority for most industrial companies is it crucial that every employee knows and follows ladder safety tips. But always

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07Jul 2023
heatwave 2023

Moffitt is here to help you beat the heatwave with a new or updated ventilation solution. July 5th was the hottest day ever recorded in the U.S.! The heat shows no signs of stopping either. Projections show this trend continuing throughout the summer and the coming years. Get ahead of the heat wave that is

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