What is the Best Warehouse Fan?
What is the best warehouse fan for your building? Big ceiling fans, upblast fans, wall fans, hooded roof fans – the list goes on and on. With so many options, it can be hard to determine which on is best. Fortunately, Moffitt is here to help. Below is an overview of some of our most popular warehouse fans. Read on to learn more about each type, and of course feel free to contact us if you need more information or you’re ready to order your new warehouse fan.
Hooded Roof Fan – Model H

Hooded Roof Fans are ideal for exhausting hot air from a large building. The powerful fans suck the hot air out, preventing build up at the ceiling. Alternatively, the fans can also be fit with duct drops to improve airflow at the work floor.
Many warehouses have roofs full of these types of fans. Hooded roof fans are great at steadily moving air through the entire building. When placed in the right locations hooded roof fans can significantly improve conditions in hot, busy warehouses. Also, the weather hood protects the airway and the fan from the elements while still allowing the air to flow through the unit.
At Moffitt, we offer a number of hooded roof fans including the direct-drive motor (Model H), Belt Drive motor (Model HB), and filtered options (Model HFS / Model HFSB).
Wall Fans – Model P

Sidewall Fans are perfect for introducing clean, fresh air at the floor level. The near ground level placement makes them easy to service as well. Additionally, heavy-gauge construction ensures they are durable enough to withstand harsh industrial environments.
In addition to supply air, they also provide warm air exhaust in certain areas. A sidewall exhaust fan can remove the hot air that a machine will generate. This helps cool that particular area to keep the warm air from wafting towards the workers. Wall fans are available with a direct drive motor (Model P) and belt drive motor (Model PB).
High Volume Low Speed Fan – Model MegaStream

A fantastic solution for boosting air movement in a warehouse, a high volume low speed (HVLS) fan provides near ground effect air movement. Even in a huge factory with a high roof, workers can feel the air flow from an HVLS fan. Additionally, the low-speed operation is energy efficient and almost silent.
HVLS fans are great for large warehouses that suffer from stagnant or humid air. Keep the air circulating from the top of the ceiling to the bottom of the floor with a fan like the MegaStream.
Upblast Fan – Model V

Like the fan that moves steam and hot air away from a stove cooktop, upblast fans are perfect for providing spot ventilation in specific problem areas. Whether the warehouse needs to exhaust hot air, move stagnant air, or even evacuate fumes and dirty air, and upblast fan has the power to improve the workspace.
Upblast fans are especially effective in small or enclosed spaces, but they are great for large warehouse ventilation as well. Moffitt offers a direct-drive motor option (Model V) as well as a belt-drive model (Model VB).
Air Circulator Fans – Model AF

Air Circulator Fans, like the Model AF, provide a steady breeze of air to floor personnel in hot work areas. Sometimes known as “airwave” or “spot-cooler” fans, these units provide high-velocity air movement for a number of spaces. They are so powerful that they can push air up to 200 feet in the target direction. Also, in addition to cooling personnel. They are perfect for cooling products, removing condensation, and more.
One of the biggest strengths of air circulator fans is how they are easy to install anywhere. The relatively small size means units can mount virtually anywhere. Ceiling mount, column mount, pedestal mount, and more configurations are common. So while air circulators are not ideal for cooling an entire warehouse, they are a great solution for specific areas like shipping docks or between shelving racks within a warehouse.
Finding the Best Warehouse Fan for Your Building
Sorting through details like power-consumption, noise levels, and airflow, can make the process of finding the best warehouse fan a challenge. Fortunately, Moffitt has more than sixty years of experience making, selling, and installing fans. Additionally, Romla Fans, a recent Moffitt acquisition, has been making fans for almost 80 years. With this experience, our team can help you make sense of the specifications to find the best fan for you. Contact our team today and we’ll help you find the best warehouse fan for your building.