
28Jun 2022

Be prepared for the job site with the Contractor Safety Gear Guide from Moffitt. This guide covers all of the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) that our team wears on site. All jobsites do not require all of the PPE depicted. However, our team regularly uses this safety equipment in our work. Read on for more

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16Feb 2022

If you work on a corrugated box factory you’ve got a lot on your “to-do list” lately. From increased production, to challenges with hiring and retention, to constant maintenance issues, everyone needs you. Give yourself one less thing to worry about with a natural ventilation solution for your corrugated box factory. Natural Solutions for Corrugated Box

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24Jun 2021
natural ventilation installation

Moffitt has been providing natural ventilation installation for over 60 years. We know the challenges of installing specialty equipment like ventilators or louvers that some general contractors face. We also know how to make the process smoother. Whether this includes sharing detailed instructions, offering on-site supervision & consultation, or by providing full turn-key installation service,

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01Feb 2021
Moffitt PPE Info Graphic Safety Guy

Moffitt requires Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for each worker on a job site. At Moffitt PPE is vital to protecting workers from workplace injuries and illnesses. This handy infographic shows workers how they can protect themselves from those injuries and illnesses on the job site. Moffitt is committed to work site safety. Our team knows

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22Jul 2020

A new natural ventilation solution can make a hot, humid paper mill feel like a whole new building. At Moffitt, we’ve seen all kinds of paper making facilities discover the benefits of natural ventilation. While it still might be a new concept to some, natural ventilation has the potential to be the leading solution for

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14Jul 2020

Natural ventilation is really the only solution for heat exhaust in glass plants and glass making facilities. Large ventilators are required to remove the stifling air from the lehrs and furnaces in a glass plant. These vents passively exhaust balmy air for year on end without requiring much care or attention. After a while however,

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06Feb 2015
construction crane safety

Cranes are the most dangerous piece of equipment that is used on a construction site and in a factory environment. Moffitt regularly uses mobile cranes on our projects along with cranes within the manufacturing facility. These cranes can lift heavy loads and crates full of equipment to heights between 30 feet to over 250 feet.

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